HASH TRASH 19/8/07
Hike on Sunday 2 September:
Grave digger is arranging a hike on Sunday 2 September for all of hash to join. We all meet 9am at Rhodes Memorial and route depends on how many arrive and their fitness level and what Yvonne is planning for her run..
Bring: sturdy shoes, packed lunch, waterproofs, strong legs, alcohol of
some sort. Hat.
Friday 7 September Sardine run social
There is no run - it is just a social
It will start 18h30 at Simonstown Yacht club
Koeksuster will buy fresh fish to braai.
Easy Rider will ask people to bring salads and garlic breads and of course Hash Cash will be there.
Our friend Harold the bokkom will also be in attendance
Friday 14 September Rugby
England vs. SA at 21hoo
Easy Rider has big screen projector available and will take it to Gutterguts' pad.
Party at Gutterguts pad with Bring and Braai before the game
Starts 18h30
Sunday hash run is on the 26 August at 1630 bring n braai after at Hermanus pad (53 Peach tree crest sunningdale) . Run location is the end of Sandown Road East Sunningdale DIRECTIONS, R27 west coast road heading towards Melkbos, proceed through Bayside robots, to Parklands/Sunningdale robots and proceed through robots to the third set of robots which says Sandown road east turn right into Sandown road and drive over traffice circle to end of road. Land marks are Blauwberg Hospital and West Coast Village shopping centre on left and also the Engen garage.
NB!!! T-shirt designs will be on show at the ON ON - please vote for the design you wantapologies (Run 19 Aug 07)
Due to a few gremlins in the network (at Hermanus office) the hash trash news letter is unable to be completed .... all and sundry had a good run on Sunday thanks to the Hare Gandhi.
Dutch cap giving Grave Robber the Hash Shit of the week award...for getting lost and hitching a ride in Bone Idle's chariot
bull wanker (hash vet) with four of her hash hounds
Jagsmeisie getting a down down from the RA - not wearing hash atire
Hermanus getting a down down out of his takkie...for coming back with dry takkies
group photo...
back row...suckface, baby Jake, twin peaks, blabbermouth with baby Alyssa (whos the boss),dutch cap,bone idle,blodwyn leek,grave robber,gutterguts, hermanus
(middle row) wonder bra,jan klein,gandhi, flo, misbehaviour
(in front) Bullwanker and Hash hounds, Jagsmeisie, Boblet
the run that was....19 Aug