HASH TRASH 18/11/07

Next Sunday's run:
10 Largo Road

Time: 4pm

Hare: Bakerman

On On afterward: bring & braai

Wednesday's run:
Southern Right Hotel

Time: 18h30

On On afterward: Fundraiser for SASHA at Blow Hole Bar
So bring your money & support a good cause otherwise Snake Charmer's next run is going to kill you!!!!!!!!!!

The Motley crue roll upped right up till 17h00 when our hare of the day, Twin Peaks, called on on and gave a big clue that there was a drinks stop at check 11 therefore encouraging all runners to not short cut but actually do the whole run but of course there was a bit of confusion in the ranks when Herm-Anus misinterpretted check 11 as back at the chariots!!!!! (old age creeping there or is it men-o-pause?) but I digress……

Our wonderful hare (yes she is a friend and therefore I am biased), anyway suggested the walkers just go up the Green Belt & back, while sending the runners on a 1 1/2hr trek around Constantia. So Scotty *&&%, snot goblin, one of the scotty's & I wandered off following the runners up the Green Belt until Gutterguts came running past and whisked Snot Goblin onto his shoulders and ran off into the distance. This of course left Scotty *&(^*%&% & myself free to do what members of the knitting circle do best & natter for the next hour while we walked among the security guards and commented on the houses of the rich!

We saw the odd runner for a while, saw some markings (contrary to later comments that there was only markings every 200m - but as expained by Wonderbra when one is chatting and setting a run 200m can easily pass by without even realising the distance - a very real situation) & then we kind of lost the trail, got lost once or twice and eventually meandered back to the chariots by 18h07 only to discover that Blow Beans & Thunderthighs were also back (The old fart made me move the hash cash chariot so he could be closer to the Beer! - that old age thing again) and believe it or not but there was Herm-anus with the usual excuse that the trail was not marked properly & no actual beer stop! If you had gone to check 11 you would have found it!

Well we waited, drank, waited, drank and then along the pathway came Pussy galore 2, Hilda & Blabbermouth following their butts down the road!, the rest of the hashers smelt the beer and followed shortly thereafter…

Blow Beans did the honours of the circle…..

Hare : Twin Peaks
Co-Hare: Wonderbra
Duplicate Name: Pussy Galore 2 - Blowbeans noticed her tatto on her back and put forward suggestions to incorporate into her name (Actually I think he was perving to see how low it could go!)

Boblet: I forget why - I just remember the beer been thrown on his head
Scotty : for finally bringing back the ^&*&^*^ shirt
Idle Bone: made him drink his own concoction….
Blowbeans: new shoes - thinking New Balance shoes were Nike???????? But he drank from his shoe anyway (should have made him drink from thunder Thighs OLD shoes - sis Blowbeans…. Where are her new shoes)

Hermanus - For liking the down down beer

I think that was it….. If not I apolgise for not embarrasing you if I should have……

Well enough dribble, See you all at next week's run

Have a stupendous week


Alphen Hotel Contantia