HASH TRASH 16/3/08
Committee members: 2007/8
Grand master – Anthony - Blabbermouth
Hash Master – Lieze - Koeksuster
Hash cash – Bruce - Gutterguts
Hash Haberdash –Colleen – Mother Inferior
On Sec – Hilary - Helgar
Guardian Angel – Vanessa – Rancid Scotty Weasel Piss
Hash Web Wench – Leanne – Easy Rider
Religious Advisor – Yvonne ( Ian will stand in if Yvonne ever away) - Snake Charmer
Religious Advisor walkers – Derek - Derelict
Mountain Goat - Dan – Gravedigger
(Comment: please save this hash trash format and use it as a template format for all newsletters. This keeps track of run numbers, receding hareline, attendance, events, etc….Thanks)
Next weeks Run # 1426 :
Woodbridge Island, Milnerton also known as “Millerton”.
Time: 17h00
Hare: Blabbermouth
Scribe: Snake Charmer “BullWanker”
Wednesdays Run:
UCT Sports club
Time: 18h30
Two Oceans water table this Saturday 22 March. We will meet at Nags Head at 6.30am to go up in as few cars as possible. We need helping hands so please lets make an effort to be there.
Breakfast will be served afterwards at Guttergut’s pad, 3 Driver Street Lakeside.
Weekend Away;
11-13 April 2008
The Otter Bend Franchhoek
R300 p/p for the two nights.
R185 p/p for Saturday night only
Children’s prices to be advised
This includes a meal and dessert on Saturday night and catering supplied by our hosts.
Please let us know ASAP, as we need to book.
Last weeks run # 1425 : Hare: Long Drop
On this fine and glorious day we all met at the common for Longdrop’s virgin St Patrick’s Day run, and little did everyone know that we were going to have FREE green beer, compliments of Mitchell’s Breweries.
10 checks were called and a booze stop so there was no messing about as everyone went looking for the booze stop, I was just keen to get my hands on a nice cold green beer. It wasn’t long before the conversations took a very interesting turn when Boblet and Jan Klein started sharing stories on how to get rid of pubic lice, which it seems is concerning the medical fraternity. I suppose it could make for a good coffee table book, “Scratch your way to success”, by Ineeda Scratch otherwise known as Boblet; and then there was Hermanus sharing his ideas with Blabbermouth about his book called Design-a-Vagina. I don’t think this man has had “it” for a few weeks now as he is starting to show signs of withdrawal symptoms.
It was at check 5 that I lost the pack, or maybe it was the fact that I needed that beer, so I headed off back to the chariots to prepare the beer, but alas it was not to be as there was a problem with the gas pipes which meant that I was only able to get a small sliver of a sip. Even with Gargoyle and Derelict desperately trying to get the beer to pour out, it was just not going to happen. So there we were all staring, drooling, at this 30-liter keg of beer, unable to even get a sip. But there is a light at the end of this tunnel, and no thanks to Eskom, our favorite supplier has decanted it into bottles for us to enjoy. I must just make a mental note to get them cold before the next run.
Great first run Longdrop.
Hare and Co-hare – Longdrop and gargoyle
Boblet (Ineeda Scratch) – Sharing his interesting stories
Hermanus sharing his stories and Blabbermouth for having to listen to them
Koeksuster showed us how to use the arm, followed by Longdrop
I am sure there were others but I can’t remember as I was to depressed about not getting green beer.
Till next time.