hash trash 7 Sep
Morning Wan*ers, er sorry, Hashers. Well what to write about yesterday's mountain walk, hike, run? Up from Godfrey Rd the trail proceeded high above Kalk Bay with Gutterguts leading the pack, who were being slowed by the" Phuket Brothers", or should that be the Fuckit Brothers! Evidently these chaps were much excited, having seen "Blues Brothers" 2 on tv on friday and were rejoicing , their faith being restored having seen Elwood Blues repeat the immortal line, "We're on a mission from God!"
Back to the scenic HIKE? The trail came to a dead end above Kalk Bay, the hare appeared to have lost the trail, however a back check was called and Keel Over , resplendent in bright pink top ( from the gay and lesbian society), led the pack down to Clovelly where that twit Hermanus was found having shortcut the trail.
Remember the childhood song "The Grand Old Duke of York ", when they were up they were up, and when they were down, well the song aptly describes this run!
Having gone down to Clovelly, the run now proceeded up hill thru dense bush to the only booze stop, here we waited and waited and waited for the microscopic dwarf who was more interested picking daisies than doing the hike then refused beer, saying only REAL BEER would do, oh very bolshie!
Long Drop and Keel Over lead the pack down toward Kalk Bay with "Latreen" in hot pursuit. Down in Boyes Dr were spied Blow Beans, Derelicked, and the knitting brigade hoping and skipping around Kalk Bay pinching scrap metal for Derick's scrap business!
Home run was found and all finished at Godfrey Rd.
Thanks to Bull Wanker and quadrupeds for a great run, hike, walk.
Long Drop, Latreen, Hermanus, Boblet, Bullwanker, Keel Over etc.