HASH TRASH 21/10/07
Yo Blabbermouth you have just nominated yourself as co-hare mate LOL, Easy Rider Photos of this run are up on the blog under Hash Trash… http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=16764&l=ccf2b&id=690626613 NB You do not need an account on Facebook to view the about links but some businesses may block your access!
HASH TRASH : 21 October 2007 Run number 1404
Grand Master - Blabbermouth
Religious Advisor Runners- Snake Charmer
Religious Advisor Walkers - Derelick
Guardian Angel - RSWP
Hash Master - Koeksuster
On Sec - Helgar
Haberdash - Mother Inferior
Hashcash - Gutterguts
Hashhorn - dutch cap
Hash Mountain Goat - Grave Robber
Hash Web Wench - Easy Rider
Next Sundays run : Newlands 17:00 details to follow ...Foresters Arms 52 Newlands ave Newlands
Next Wednesdays Run : Dom Pedro Roodebloem Road Woodstock 18:30
3 November Hash Halloween Fancy Dress Party 19:30 107a Queen Victoria Road Claremont - Tickets R10.00 pp….on sale on Wednesday and Sunday or email hash@crss.co.za
Vive la Bokke! C’est magnifique!
What can I say Saturday night was a blast. My condolences to the English, Ha Ha J
Ooooh and pity, Snake Charmer, Hamilton (UK) didn’t make it in the F1 either
After much recuperating on Sunday morning those without too much of a hangover appeared for what must have felt like a die hard run.
We all gathered at Sunvalley mall only to be led back up Ou Kaapse Weg, near to Peers Cave, for the start of the run. Koeksuster was very kind to us and led us early on the trail, which headed downhill and then onto a dirt road leading us towards Clovelly golf club. Down we went, and then down some more, and all the while we are thinking, what goes down must go up, but down we went, passed the golf club until we finally reached the beach, and the end of the run.
Koeksuster had organized a taxi to get us back, the only problem was the lack of a booming sound system so we had to make do by listening to Her-Anus’s drone on once again about his close encounter with chocolate cake.
The walker’s “Knitting Circle” well they disappeared up along Ou Kaapse Weg, prams, dogs and all. We only met up with them again at the circle.
It was nice to meet our visiting feet that hailed from the USA, welcome to CTHHH and we hope to see much more of you during your stay.
Those who didn’t get enough exercise during the run got it running after one of our youngest members “Who’s the boss” during the circle!
Hare- koeksuster.
Her-Anus – Telling us his story about the chocolate cake.
Visiting feet, Rolando from Texas, Alana from Connecticut
Returning feet John (Gargoyls’s brother) and Hilda
Heranus and Boblet- England supporters, need we say more?
Snake Charmer – not using hash handles
Blowbeans – probably for breathing. He said the down-down beer tasted sh1t. Well it’s not for your pleasure.
Check out Hash Spirit on the blog for some videos from YOU TUBE on the RWC
A Link to Photos from the weekend away *(facebook album)
OMG Easy you are going to have to get out from behind that pc/BLOG and set a run….
Blabbermouth African Sunset
Visting feet Rolando and Alana...returning feet John and Hilda getting a down down